Foreign currency depreciation is a result of economic depression in the country concerned. 外汇贬值是有关国家经济不景气的结果。
Last week, central bankers from the eurozone and Japan voiced optimism that their policies of quantitative easing and currency depreciation would be successful in staving off outright deflation. 就在上周,欧元区各国央行和日本央行曾乐观表示,量化宽松和货币贬值政策有可能帮助它们成功避免全面通缩。
We have also noticed a significant growth in tourist numbers to Russia because of currency depreciation. 我们也注意到因为俄罗斯卢布贬值,赴俄旅游人数大幅增长。
Beijing will not manage to rebalance growth towards consumer spending without the help of currency depreciation. 若没有人民币贬值的帮助,北京方面将无法实现向消费者支出倾斜的增长再平衡。
Though modest, currency depreciation has quashed longstanding expectations that the renminbi was a one-way bet and deterred speculative inflows from investors hoping to earn risk-free profits. 人民币贬值幅度虽然不大,但已经消除了长期以来对人民币是一种单边押注的预期,并阻止了希望获得无风险利润的投资者的投机性资本流入。
Everyone knows that currency depreciation is a crucial mechanism for reflating demand-starved economies. 所有人都知道,对于需求匮乏的经济体来说,货币贬值是使经济实现通货再膨胀的重要手段。
Those Eastern European countries that have not yet joined the euro know that currency depreciation would delay their planned European Union membership. 那些尚未加入欧元区的国家明白,货币贬值将会延缓它们拟议中成为欧盟(eu)成员国的进程。
It is worth pursuing an expansionary monetary and fiscal policy up to the point where the loss on the terms of trade or the boost to inflation coming from currency depreciation begins to outweigh the gains to domestic output and employment. 直到由货币贬值造成的贸易损失或通胀抬升,开始超过国内产出和就业方面的收获之前,继续奉行扩张性货币及财政政策还是值得的。
Those economies where currency depreciation rather than internal price deflation is the accepted means of improving external competitiveness may be no better off at the end of the day. 其他经济体系若以货币贬值而非内部价格下调作为改善对外竞争力的方法,它们最终的情况可能不会得到多大改善。
For large and relatively closed economies such as Japan or the US, trading partners probably gain in increased exports to those countries more than they lose from any decline in competitiveness caused by currency depreciation. 对于日本或美国等相对封闭的大型经济体而言,贸易伙伴国从对这些国家出口增多中获得的好处,可能超过这些国家货币贬值引起它们竞争力下降所带来的损失。
Dollar bears argue that more currency depreciation is needed. 疲软美元的鼓吹者认为,有必要进行更大幅度的货币贬值。
A return to a national currency and a sharp depreciation would quickly restore competitiveness and growth, as it did in Argentina and many other emerging markets that abandoned their currency pegs. 重新采用各国原有的货币、并使其大幅贬值,将使竞争力和经济增长迅速得到恢复。这在阿根廷等许多放弃盯住汇率制的新兴市场国家,都曾有过先例。
Currency depreciation would substantially overshoot, making foreign goods unaffordable, especially as policy institutions have no credibility. 货币将大幅贬值,人们无力购买外国商品,尤其是在政策机构毫无信用可言的情况下。
A fall in the value of one currency in terms of another currency is called currency depreciation. 一个国家的货币相对于另一个国家的货币的贬值被称作本币贬值。
Explosions of public debt hurt economies in the following way, as numerous empirical studies have shown. By raising fears of default and/ or currency depreciation ahead of actual inflation, they push up real interest rates. 无数实证研究显示,公共债务激增会以下述方式损害经济:加剧人们对实际通胀之前会出现债务拖欠和(或)货币贬值的担忧,由此推高实际利率。
Nascent signs of the capital flight that has befallen other Asian economies, prompting currency depreciation and subsequent exchange market intervention, are starting to surface. 正在浮现的初步迹象显示,其它亚洲经济体遇到了资本的外逃,导致本币贬值以及随后的外汇市场干预。
Those higher interest rates paid by countries with large external deficits were supposed to compensate investors for the risk of currency depreciation. 这些地方的经常项目负债累累,本国货币支付较高利率是为了补偿投资者的通货贬值风险。
Apart from budgetary constraints and currency depreciation in the US and Japan, which make buying each "special drawing right" more expensive, the round is complicated by previous debt forgiveness pledges. 除了预算限制及美国和日本的货币贬值以外,以前作出的债务豁免承诺也让本轮筹款变得更加复杂。
However, those flows began to reverse in the fourth quarter at a time when the offshore currency market was signalling depreciation. 然而,资金流向在第四季度开始逆转,当时离岸外汇市场正显示人民币贬值的迹象。
But Lou Jiwei, chairman of China Investment Corp, warned that a small bubble has already formed in global asset prices and said the fund was focused on investments in commodities-related assets and real estate as a hedge against inflation and currency depreciation. 但他警告说,全球资产价格已出现一个小的泡沫。他还表示,该基金的投资重点是大宗商品相关资产和房地产,以此来对冲通胀和货币贬值。
The value of such claims to foreign creditors is more vulnerable to inflation and so to the impact on domestic prices of a sizeable currency depreciation than claims on real assets. 相对于房地产形式的债权,外国投资者此类债权的价值更容易受到通货膨胀的冲击,因而也容易受到货币大幅贬值对国内物价影响的冲击。
Discussion on the Economic Influence by Currency Depreciation 试论货币贬值对经济的影响&兼论人民币汇率的基本走势
The Influences on the Firm Decision with Its cost Dependent on Exchange Rate Under the Condition of Currency Depreciation 货币贬值对成本依赖汇率企业决策的影响
This paper points out the high growth rate measured by domestic currency is associated with currency depreciation to a great extent and attributes to quantitative increase. 本文指出我国以本币度量的两位数增长率在相当大程度上与货币贬值相联系,是粗放式增长;
With economic opening, exchange rate fluctuation greater influence bank operation steadily, domestic currency depreciation will change the asset-liabilities states of the enterprise and bank while aggravating the bank crisis. 伴随着经济的开放,汇率波动对银行经营的影响亦越来越大。本币贬值会改变企业和银行的资产负债状况,加剧银行危机。
There are many risks from the persistence of that strategy in China, such as the exhaustion of sustaining growth ability, demand reversion, inflation, assets bubbles, crisis of currency appreciation or depreciation and so on. 我国经济就因为持续采取这种策略而隐含着持续增长能力耗竭、需求逆转、通胀、资产市场泡沫、货币升贬值危机等风险。
Driven by the financial crisis, the yuan is forced to a significant appreciation. A currency appreciation ( depreciation) implies that the international competitiveness of its products declines ( rises), which in turn affects the trade of products. 在金融危机的带动下,人民币被迫大幅度升值。一国货币升值(贬值)意味着其产品的国际竞争力的下降(上升),而产品的国际竞争力又影响着该产品的贸易。
However, according to the Currency Analytical Approach, currency depreciation is neutral and has no effects on the production and employment in a country in the long term. 而根据贬值的货币分析法,贬值在长期内对一国的产出和就业没有影响,贬值是中性的。
This paper applies the Gravity model of trade in assessing the impact of currency appreciation or depreciation on bilateral trade flows between China and Vietnam. 本文使用贸易引力模型评估货币升值或贬值对中国和越南两国之间的贸易流动的影响。
Singapore does not strongly interfere with the currency appreciation, but inclines to exist in the currency depreciation pressure, laissez-faire moderate depreciation of the currency. 新加坡政府并不强力干预本币的升值,但更倾向于在本币存在贬值压力时放任本币的适度贬值。